The BrainRead Blog
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Trust your reading performance!
Speed reading means exploiting your eye's and brain's potential to the maximum. Here are some thoughts on that... More unexploited potential In my last blog entry I addressed the unexploited potential of your eye muscles. That's not all the potential that slow readers fail to [...]
Speed reading training: Fitness program for your eyes
If you want to speedread you have to train your eyes like any other muscle. So send your eyes to the gym! Your eyes work harder than you think Have you ever thought about how hard your eye works while you read? It is a [...]
We stop learning to read when we’re 10 years old – Learn speed reading now!
Trying to Ride a Tricycle in the Fast Lane Most adults still read the same way they did when they were ten years old – with no sign of speeding up! Do you remember what it was like the first time you tried to read? [...]
The fastest reader in the world
Nowadays, we love hearing about the biggest, the strongest and the fastest! But instead of turning on the next reality TV show, let’s open a book and take a trip to the limits of human ability. An increased reading speed means having more time Imagine [...]
Speed reading can be fun!
So, you don’t want to learn to speed read for fear it will no longer count as a leisure activity? You’d rather enjoy reading than do it quickly, you say? Well, why not do both at once? “No, thanks – I’d rather not learn to [...]
How your brain thirsts for comprehension
Getting into the Flow of Reading Fast Your brain’s ability to seamlessly follow along with a text is essential for you to be able to understand what you’re reading. “Brain to eyes. Brain to eyes. Do you read me eyes? Read!” Your brain gives your [...]
Read more quickly and process information better
The difference between speed-reading and efficient reading is how well you understand what the text is communicating. How best to do this? Improve your reading skills! Reading competency One of your tasks at work is to take in information and use it to make move [...]
Struggling to stay afloat in a flood of information? – Start reading faster!
Is just reading your emails and other written information getting in the way of your work? No – reading is part of your work. Learn to do it more efficiently with BrainRead! How much time would you say you spend reading each day? An hour? [...]
Reading faster means understanding more – Speed Reading
It’s inconvenient to re-read whole paragraphs just to be able to understand them. Why this happens and what you can do about it. You know the feeling: Somewhere in the middle of the paragraph, your thoughts wander. You think about dinner or about the trip [...]
BrainRead Book Release
BrainRead® – Speed Reading , remember more – Read like the Swedish In Scandinavia there is no stress about learning. On the contrary: Scandinavian children are among the best readers in the world, as shown by the PISA tests. Several studies from different universities in [...]