The BrainRead Blog
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Speed-Reading Strategies for Executive Decision-Making
Mastering speed-reading is no longer just a productivity hack—it’s a critical skill for executives navigating the complexities of modern leadership. With endless reports, AI-generated insights, and strategic documents to review, C-level leaders need tools that help them process information quickly and accurately. Speed-reading strategies empower [...]
Why you should watch Israeli TV-Shows on Netflix with subtitles
Speedreading is something all children in Scandinavia do. The first time you watch TV in Sweden you will immediately recognize why – everything is subtitled and broadcasted in original language. Even most Swedish language movies are subtitled, or can be digitally enhanced with subtitles for [...]
A Bolly good read
Just like in Sweden, poeple in India learns how to read more efficiently thanks to subtitling in television. With BrainRead training, you can learn how to read 2-3 times faster and comprehend better too! Read the full Article in the economist.
Sheesh! These Scandinavian speed readers
Speed reading at the hands of outstanding school education? The Scandinavians are not only outstanding with respect to reading comprehension. The school system, in comparison to Germany, aims at deducing facts. Teacher-centred teaching, a common practice that is only slowly going out of fashion in [...]
Win one of FIVE BrainRead books!
Video Interview mit Göran Askeljung, Autor von BrainRead. Und zu gewinnen gibt es eines von FÜNF der begehrten BrainRead Bücher! Hier klicken. In cooperation with "Lernen der Zukunft" you have the chanse to win one of FIVE BrainRead books! Click here. (German).
What is PhotoReading? Certainly not Speed reading!
I recently read the book „PhotoReading“ by Paul R. Scheele to see what the originator of this reading method actually suggests. PhotoReaders claim to be able to read more than 25,000 words per minute. That’s on average about a fully written page in a second. [...]
A speed reader’s breakfast: Coffee, bagel and two newspapers
Newspapers are a great tool to keep up your reading speed. Their structure and formatting are just perfect for speed reading. You don’t have to know every word in your daily newspaper. Neither do you need to learn it by heart, nor are you interested [...]
BrainRead’s little time saver for your daily flood of emails
Every day we spend a lot of time reading and answering our emails. The BrainRead- method shows you how to do it faster and more efficiently. Our daily morning exercise Turning on the computer, opening email application, checking mails. This is our daily morning exercise [...]
Think before you read
Reading from the top to the bottom is not always the most efficient way to handle a text. In order to reach high text apprehension while increasing your reading speed, try the BrainRead strategy. The BrainRead reading strategy Most people immediately start reading a text [...]
Speed Reader’s little helpers
Punctuation marks can be a real pain, when writing a text. But for the reader they are essential for dividing the text into meaningful entities and thus read faster. Period, comma, dash, colon: punctuation marks are important when we read a text. When used properly [...]
The click!factor with Speed Reading
Reading fast and understanding more at the same time is only possible if your brain processes groups of words. Easier said than done! It really is a pity that we weren’t taught speed reading at school. After all we live in a time where information [...]
A key to faster reading
Reading in groups of words will increase your reading speed. Keywords and contextual cues come in handy with this technique. All this talk about groups of words, when it comes to speed reading.. It does make sense though: Being able to read three words at [...]
Who needs „talking tools“ for reading?
You don’t have to focus on every word in order to understand what you read. Au contraire! More work for your brain As we move along a text row by row our eye transforms words into light signals and directs them to our brain via [...]
Trust your inner voice- just not with reading
When it comes to reading, we stopped progressing. Well, that’s too bad because this keeps us from reading fast! It’s funny, when it comes to bicycling, we keep improving ourselves. Starting with a tricycle we proudly watch as dad removes the training wheels. Then, as [...]
Speed reading is the internalization of thought units at a higher rate – How BrainRead works
A while ago my daughter came home with her physics test results. She was one point short of an A+ and very sad. I said: “are you kidding? That’s great!”. “No”, she said, “my BF got an A+ and I didn’t, even if I answered [...]
BrainRead book presentation
BrainRead - Effective Speed Reading. Reading like the Swedish Changing reading habits The role reading plays in our professional lives has changed over the years. We are so overloaded with it that it has become a time sink and a major stress factor. More than [...]
Speed reading requires courage
You could read faster- if you just had the courage to do so. Because speed reading means not relying on a safety net. When you read, do you read fast from top left to bottom right without stopping at a single word or jumping backwards? [...]
Reading is a core competency that supports welfare
A remarkable experiment by nonprofit organization „PlanetRead“ has proved what a great impact development work can have. An example of capacity building of a special kind. One little thing.. “One little thing that had a great impact on the lives of a lot of people”. [...]
Get a business brain
Being multilingual develops cognitive skills that are ideal for top managers. Professor Antonella Sorace at the Universtiy of Edinburgh has done extensive research on the cognitive skills of multilingual people. Her research has shown that speaking (or reading) other languages offer not only effective communication [...]
Speed reading with Vicky the Viking
Scandinavians rank among the best readers in the world. Why? Because they loved watching TV when they were kids. Cartoons that come with a hurdle What was your favorite TV- show when you were a kid? The Muppet Show? The Pink Panther? Vicky the Viking? [...]